
March 15 - May 12, 2024

Timur Novikov Untitled (1989)

Anya Zhelud Ladies' Choice Dance (2008)

Lidia Masterkova Composition. Priluki (1960-1961)

Mila Vvedenskaya from the series "Message to Infinity" (2022)

Textile Laboratory It worked out / didn't work out (2021)


Curator: Tatiana Rykova

Since ancient times, thread and fabric weaving have been believed to possess magical properties and, as such, have been featured in numerous myths and legends. The likes of Ariadne's thread and Penelope weaving a shroud as she waited for Odysseus to return from his travels come to mind. Initially used only for the production of clothing and household items, textiles soon enough attracted the attention of artists; hence the embellished folk costumes and the emergence of highly decorative tapestries.

Over time, textile arts evolved into a full-blooded art form, with its practitioners taking full advantage of the versatile medium’s potential. In recent decades, artistic textiles have transcended the confines of decorative arts to become a very contemporary medium, partly because they are no longer viewed merely as a means but also as a message, a subject worth exploring in its own right. Traditional techniques of weaving, embroidery, and collage are seamlessly combined with technological experiments in the works of artists, who add new layers of meaning to familiar images.



Every Thursday admission free.


Every day, except Mondays
11:00 - 20:00 (11 a.m. - 8 p.m.)

Ticket office is open untill 19:30 (7:30 p.m.)


Phone: +7 (495) 621-55-22

E-mail: info@ekaterina-foundation.ru

Address: Russia, Moscow, 21/5, Kuznetsky Most, porch 8, entrance from Bolshaya Lubyanka street

The Ekaterina Cultural FoundationВыставочный центр в МосквеОрганизация и обслуживание выставок в Москве