Press room

The Soviet statesman who had the talent to be boss of Ford or GM

Russia Beyond the Headlines

A new exhibition of photographs in Moscow is dedicated to Soviet reformer Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin. Favored by Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, Kosygin was responsible for the introduction of dramatic reforms in the 1960s, attempting to bring elements of a market economy into the Soviet system years before perestroika.../

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Oleg Tselkov: la liberté du prisonnier

La Dame de Pique

Jusqu'au 10 août, le fonds culturel Ekaterina présente à Moscou plus de 45 œuvres de l’artiste Oleg Tselkov. C'est la première rétrospective de cette importance consacrée au peintre en Russie. D’une salle à l’autre, ce que vous verrez vous surprendra sans doute : un seul motif, décliné à l’infini.../

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9 Febrero de 2011

Isak Andic, nuevo premio ARCO al coleccionismo privado
Isak Andic, propietario de la firma textil MANGO, ha resultado elegido nuevo premio al coleccionismo privado, que desde hace 15 años otorga la Asociación Amigos de ARCO. Además, tambien han sido premiados este año BESart — Colección Banco Espíritu Santo de Portugal, y la Fundación Cultural Ekaterina de Rusia.../

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«» 17 de febrero de 2011

Madrid, 17 de febrero de 2011.- Por decimoquinto año consecutivo, la Asociación Amigos de ARCO ha entregado hoy en la Sala VIP de ARCOmadrid sus Premios «A» al Coleccionismo.../

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«Connaissance des Arts» Mars, 2010

Un enjeu politique
Tout autre est l'attitude de Semenikhine, riche entrepreneur qui, depuis le début des années 2000, s'investit dans le monde de l'art, collectionnant et soutenant avec acharnement les artistes russes (il a financé plusieurs grandes rétrospectives, dont celle de Boulatov en 2006). Lors de notre rencontre, il avait tenu à commenter personnellement chacune des œuvres exposées dans ses bureaux, avant de nous conduire dans sa fondation (lire rubrique Carnet de voyage).../

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«Le Figaro» January 25, 2010

Un cocktail artistique franco-russe
Tchaïkovski et Pouchkine à Paris ; Beaumarchais et Patricia Kaas à Moscou. L'Année croisée franco-russe débute officiellement aujourd'hui. Chacun des deux pays a choisi d'exporter chez son voisin ses grands classiques. Le caractère parfois académique de la sélection est ouvertement revendiqué par le ministre de la Culture russe.../

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«Connaissance des Arts» April, 2007

Boulatov, superstar
Moscou est-il le nouveau centre international de l'art contemporain? Indéniablement, si l'on en croit les commentaires enthousiastes des artistes, galeristes, commissaires indépendants et collectionneurs richissimes rencontrés sur place. Interrogés sur les raisons ayant permis l'émergence d'une scene artistique d'une telle vitalité, les uns et les autres divergent.../

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«The Moscow Times. Context» January 26, 2009

Salakhov's 80th Allows for Rare Retrospective
Out of all the artists who came of age under the Soviet Union, few can lay claim to the stature, and perhaps none to the astonishing personal story, of Tair Salakhov. Now with the 80th anniversary retrospective of over a hundred paintings and drawings at the Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, his ascendance seems to be continuing ever further.../

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«The Moscow Times» October 16, 2008

Gracious Grace Kelly
Even as the Mika hit fades from the airwaves, the words “Grace Kelly” have burst back into Moscow, with a photo exhibit documenting the late actress and monarch’s dazzling life: “The Epoch of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco,” which will run until Dec. 3 at the Ekaterina Cultural Foundation near Kuznetsky Most.../

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«La Gazette de Monaco» 15 Octobre, 2008

L'engouement de Moscou pour "Les Années Grace Kelly"
La Princesse Stéphanie a inauguré le 9 octobre dernier l'exposition accueillie a Moscou par la Fondation culturelle Ekaterina, créée par Ekaterina et Vladimir Semenikhin. Celle-ci, située a deux pas du Kremlin et de la place Rouge, a pour vocation la promotion de l'art moderne et de l'art contemporain. C'est un écrin prestigieux qui met en valeur l'exposition, réécrite tout en nuances, ou se melent harmonieusement le côté intime et l'aspect glamour.../

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«RUVR» October 14, 2008

Exhibition titled “Epoch of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco” in Moscow
Exhibition titled “Epoch of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco” is held in the Russian capital. It tells about personal life of the Hollywood star who became wife of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. The exhibition is timed to coincide with 25 years since her tragic death in a car crash.

The exposition has been already shown in Monaco and Paris. It was brought to Moscow by the Grimaldi Foundation headed by Sovereign Prince Albert II, Grace Kelly’s son. Later the exhibition will travel to London, Rome and New York.../

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«The Moscow Times. Context» October 10, 2008

Grace in Time
Two years ago, construction tycoon Vladimir Seminikhin was one of the first Russian art collectors to step forward and open up his own gallery space, The Yekaterina Foundation. Since then the gallery has become well known on the art circuit for holding quality exhibitions, ranging in style from Socialist Realism to Russian contemporary art.../

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«The Moscow Times. Context» March 7, 2008

In the Combat Zone. An exhibition at the Yekaterina Cultural Foundation displays contemporary and Soviet artists' views of life in the army.
Visitors can hear the "Red Army Studio" exhibition in the Yekaterina Cultural Foundation well before they see it. The rumblings of patriotic music are audible near the entrance and the soundtrack is piped through the two floors of the gallery.../

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«Moscow News» 8th of May, 2008

Exhibitions - Andreas Gursky.
Not all that many photographers have a truly distinctive style, as while the medium is extremely flexible there's only so much you can do when it comes to technique. Style presents many more options, but it's still hard to find a combination of the two to attain a signature look. Gursky, has got it all worked out. Andreas Gursky's photographs are immediately recognizable: in the vast majority of his shots the viewers are astounded by the feeling of enormous.../

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«Le Courrier de Russie» 12 Mars 2008

Renaissance de l’invincible soldat soviétique.
54 peintures et 26 affiches, voici tout ce qui reste de la fameuse Armée rouge qui, fondée en 1918, avait forgé la gloire de l’Etat soviétique. Pour commémorer son 90eme anniversaire, la fondation Ekaterina lui consacre une exposition spéciale.../

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«The Moscow Times. Context» October 5, 2007

Stripping Brad
Theater director Robert Wilson presents short video portraits that show acting stars in a strange new light.
By Alastair Gee
Topless and perched on a swing, celebrity burlesque artist Dita Von Teese gazes into the distance with a rapturous expression on her face. She's wearing jewel-encrusted heels and sparkly tassles over her nipples.../

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«Financial Times» May 26, 2007

FT REPORT - ARTS COLLECTING: From cold storage to cool new gallery
By Nora Fitzgerald
Vladimir Yankilevsky's "Door" series offers a poignant odeto urban existence and the idiosyncrasies of communal apartment living during the Soviet Union. Half-a-dozen doorbells are lacquered to the doorframes and notesare taped to the door ("Ivanov Family - ring twice"). At first this appearsornamental, but then it becomes clear that five families once lived behind these doors.../

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«Le Figaro» 08.11.2007

Drouot donne carte blanche a un collectionneur étranger. Ekaterina et Vladimir Semenikhin, a la tete d'une fondation a Moscou, sont les invités de cette nouvelle édition. Rencontre.../

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«The New York Times» September 11, 2005

How to Fit a Whole Country Into the Guggenheim
THE exclamation point may be flamboyant, but "Russia!," the title of the Guggenheim Museum's latest broad-stroke exhibition, merely hints at the herculean struggles involved in organizing an 800-year survey of a sprawling empire.../

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«The Moscow Times. Context» March 2, 2007

A Tycoon's Treasure Trove
Businessman Vladimir Semenikhin opens a private museum to show off his extensive art collection.
By Marina Kamenev
Moscow construction magnates aren't usually known as great supporters of the arts. But Vladimir Semenikhin, owner of the construction company Stroiteks, took a step toward changing that reputation last week when he opened Russia's first privately owned exhibition space for contemporary art.../

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«» February 20, 2007

Moscow Magnate Unveils Exhibition Space for 20th-Century Art
By John Varoli
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) - The Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, a Moscow-based organization headed by Vladimir Semenikhin, the owner of construction company Stroyteks, opens Russia's first private contemporary-art exhibition hall this evening.../

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«The Moscow Times» September 22, 2006

Escape Artist
He longed for freadom in the Soviet era, then left for the West in the 1990s. Now, painter Erik Bulatov comes home with a major retrospective.
All his younger life, Erik Bulatov dreamed of escape. He fantasized about a breathless freadom from communism, and from the restraints of the material world itself: He wanted to soar on ideas through a yawning azure sky.../

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«The Moscow Times» January 28, 2005

Shock Value.
Rebellious artworks go back on display, 78 years on.
/The Knave of Diamonds -- a colorful, controversial group of painters who caused an artistic sensation in pre-Revolutionary Russia - is back. More than 120 paintings by members of the groundbreaking movement will go on display at the New Tretyakov Gallery on Wednesday in the first major exhibition of their work in Moscow since 1927.../

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«The Moscow News» #8, 2005

The Jack of Diamonds: Russian Fauvists at the New Tretyakov
The ongoing Jack or Knave of Diamonds exhibition (Bubnovy Valet in Russian) at the New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val continues to pull in the crowds. I queued for forty minutes to fight my way through a mixed throng of bemused, startled and keen visitors to see the work of this group of Russian fauvists from the early part of the twentieth century. Was it worth it?.../

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«Le Figaro» April 7, 2004

ARTS Les peintres russes du «Valet de Carreau» rassemblés pour la première fois à Monaco Les couleurs de l'anticonformisme.
/La couleur rouge pour la force, le personnage du valet pour la jeunesse: a Moscou, l'hiver 1910, la premiere exposition du «Valet de Carreau» avait provoqué le scandale. Le tableau-enseigne de la manifestation, un double autoportrait, représentait les peintres Machkov et Kontchalovski, presque nus, en slips vert et violet, tels des athletes.../

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«Aria» March, 2004

Les peintres russes.
/L'exposition présentée du 12 mars au 12 avril Quai Antoine 1er, a Monaco, offre pour la premiere fois au public occidental l'occasion de découvrir les uvres fortes d'une association d'artistes créée a Moscou dans les années 191o, le Valet de Carreau. La peinture de ces artistes, bien que typiquement moscovite, montre aussi des influences étrangeres et plus particulierement françaises. Le Valet de Carreau fut une association d'artistes, amis intimes pour la plupart, officiellement fondée à Moscou en 1911.../

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«Arts Actualites Magazine» March, 2004

Les peintres russes du VALET DE CARREAU.
/Premier point a éclaircir. Pourquoi cette appellation ludique? Parce que selon Jean-Claude Marcadé, historien d'art: "ce groupe se voulait le représentant de la jeunesse vigoureuse, de l'affirmation de soi, d'une culture corporelle incarnée et sensuelle et d'une certaine marginalité un peu louche." Quatre criteres qui feront de cette avant-garde russe imprégnée de Cézanne et des fauves, le point d'ancrage de la peinture moscovite au début du XXe siecle.../

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«La Gazette de Monaco» № 367, March 15, 2004

/La Fondation Ekaterina -en collaboration avec la direction des Affaires culturelles de la principauté, le Centre d'Etat des musées et expositions «Rosizo» du ministere de la Culture de la Fédération de Russie- présente quatre-vingts ouvres de peintres ayant appartenu a l'association «Le Valet de Carreau» : Kontchalovsky, Lentoulov, Machkov, Kouprine, Falk, Tatline, Larionov, Gontcharova notamment.../

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«Monaco Hebdo» March 18/24, 2004

Le Valet de Carreau, un volcan éphémere.
/La fondation Ekaterina jette un coup de projecteur sur le «Valet de Carreau», association de peintres russes du début du XXéme siècle. Longtemps restés dans l'ombre des avant-gardistes, ces artistes figuratifs héritiers de Cézanne retrouvent la lumière jusqu'au 12 avril à Monaco.../

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Opening hours

Opening hours (during exhibitions):

Every day, except Mondays
11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Ticket office is open untill 7:30 p.m.


Contact us

Phone: +7 (495) 621 55 22


Shop: +7 (495) 626 06 89

Address: Moscow, Russia, 107031, 21/5 Kuznetsky Most, porch 8, entrance from Bolshaya Lubyanka street